General information on SK BRATISL01
- Name and address
- Academic calendar
- Academic authorities
- General description of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
- ECTS Credit Allocation
Faculties, degree programs, courses and awarded qualifications
ECTS information catalogue contains basic description of study programmes and study fields offered at the university faculties including standard study plans. Descriptions of particular courses are also available. ECTS Information Catalogue according to:
Identification of STU within the Erasmus+ programme
- Erasmus+ ID (Identification Code) STU: SK BRATISL01
- PIC (Personal Identification Code) STU: 999868823
- OID (Organisation ID Code) STU: E10208874
- ECHE - Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2021-2027
- Erasmus Policy Statement
- STU Fact sheet 2024/2025