Linking science and society – the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava wants to face this challenge together with nine strong partner universities in Europe. The aim of the alliance EULiST - European Universities Linking Society and Technology is to make Europe tangible for all university members and students.
We want to cooperate with our EULiST partners in the field of studies, research and administration in order to realize the vision of a European university. Strong partners and close networks ensure our future viability in international competition.
The connection between society and technology is a key issue in many network initiatives. Society and technology are interconnected. Society creates the need for technological change, and technological progress affects the development of society. EULiST recognizes the need to train individuals who understand the technical problems of the future and the societal framework and dimensions for which technological solutions are designed. EULiST supports the integration and cross-pollination of science, technology, mathematics and social sciences.
In 2020, eight leading universities initiated the formation of an alliance (previously named EUST). In 2022, the EULiST - European Universities Connecting Society and Technology welcomed its tenth partner.
- Leibniz University Hannover, Germany (main coordinator)
- Slovak Technical University in Bratislava, Slovakia
- LUT University, Finland
- Jönköping University, Sweden
- Technical University of Vienna, Austria
- National Technical University of Athens, Greece
- Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
- Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain
- University of L'Aquila, Italy
- Institut Mines-Télécom, France
- Educate multilingual, socially responsible European citizens who build and strengthen the link between science and society
- Building an analogue and virtual EULiST European inter-university campus with a strong culture of diversity, inclusion and sustainability
- Developing innovative, flexible and interactive teaching formats and curricula with close and sustainable integration of cutting-edge research
- Establishing cross-border teams of students, scientists and regional actors who develop sustainable solutions for contemporary societal challenges in transnational, interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral constellations
- Creating a cooperative network of knowledge and transfer between participating regions as scientific sites to support knowledge-based research, innovation and evidence-based policy-making.

General Assembly in Madrid, October 2022
EULiST Work Packages & Main activities
EULiST is an alliance of European universities that closely cooperate at various levels in strategic, educational, research and outreach activities, and intensive student and staff mobility is already underway. For logical organization and strategic achievement of goals, EULiST activities are divided into five work packages. In addition to smaller activities, each work package also has a main supporting activity its flagship.
Flagship EULiST Management, coordination and strategy
To this end, Work Package 1 will – as its flagship activity and based on the existing cooperation structures of the Alliance as postulated by the cooperation agreement – establish a governance structure that fosters inclusiveness and co-creation, with a strong student participation as well as a close link to society. The management of the current project, to transform into a fully-fledged European University, reflects these Alliance governance principles.
Flagship EULiST Digital Knowledge Hub
The overarching goal of Work Package 2 EULiST Campus is to develop infrastructure and conduct activities that facilitate collaboration between EULiST stakeholders, including students, administrative and academic staff as well as the wider community.
The EULiST Digital Knowledge Hub is a flagship initiative of the Alliance and will serve as a unique digital arena for sharing knowledge, resources and access to trusted information between EULiST Partners.
Flagship EULiST Agora for Education
The EULiST Agora for Education is the flagship and umbrella for the manifold activities in this core field of teaching, learning and life-long learning. The EULiST Agora will represent a Single Entry Point that is linked to the Digital Campus in order to enable the trusted and permanent access to tailored knowledge, expertise, technology and infrastructure for all EULiST Members.
Flagship EULiST Research and Innovation Academy (ERIA)
The goal of WP4 is to 1) evaluate and 2) align the research focus areas and expertise of each EULiST Member and establish synergies for creating a solid basis for joint scientific excellence.
The EULiST Research and Innovation Academy (ERIA) will form an overarching institution with the aim of realising the aforementioned objectives, by facilitating the sharing of expertise among EULiST Members and acting as the interface between the universities and local / regional stakeholders.
Flagship EULiST Co-Creation Cluster
In this Work Package, EULiST bundles all activities between the Alliance, various stakeholders and the public. Hence, outreach is truly the voice and arms of EULiST in establishing societal trust in technology. EULiST Outreach will complete the Knowledge Square – teaching, research, scientific innovation and interaction with society.
About the European Universities Initiative
The European Universities are transnational alliances that will lead to the universities of the future, promote European values and identity and revolutionize the quality and competitiveness of European higher education. To achieve this important step forward, the initiative offers opportunities to support different models of cooperation for European universities through Erasmus+ calls for proposals.
Alliances of European Universities
- they include partners from all types of higher education institutions and cover a wide geographical range across Europe
- are based on a shared vision of a long-term strategy focused on sustainability, excellence and European values
- offer student-centred study programs co-delivered across university campuses, where different student organizations can create their own programs and experience mobility at all levels of study
- adopt a challenge-based approach whereby students, academics and external partners can work together in interdisciplinary teams to tackle the biggest challenges facing Europe today
- EULiST as a new European University Alliance! - "STU in the EULiST consortium succeeded with a project within the European Universities Initiative"
- Video: "EULiST partner IMT France explains the position of Europe within IMT on the occasion of Europe Day."
- EULiST event co-orginized by URJC and NTUA, "Successful participation in the Europe day hybrid event, with more than 400 participants!"
- News: EULiST has a new central coordinator!
- DesignBuild Summer School – Urban Conflicts 2022, organized by Leibniz University Hannover, with the participation of STU and National Technical University of Athens
For download: EULiST STU brochure, EULiST STU leaflet, EULiST leaflet for students