A graduate of the Telecommunications study program has • a systematic, comprehensive and comprehensive set of knowledge in the field of ICT, including knowledge and understanding of relationships to other parts of the field and to related fields, • has deep knowledge of theories, sophisticated methods and procedures of science and research in the field of ICT at a level corresponding to international criteria, • broad knowledge and understanding in the specialized field of design and implementation of information and communication services and applications, also associated with their design, construction, verification and operation, including knowledge of practical contexts and relationships to related fields, which serve as a basis for practice, research or artistic creation, • has managerial, economic, social, moral and ecological awareness and can prepare documents, reports and documentation in accordance with the professional, ethical and legal framework valid in the field of informatics with a focus on information and communication technologies.
A graduate of the Telecommunications study program knows • actively acquire information and use it to solve practical tasks in the field of information and communication technologies, • solve practical and theoretical tasks in the field of information and communication technologies using usual research and development procedures, with a critical assessment of their appropriateness and adequacy, • apply general knowledge in the field of informatics with a focus on information and communication technologies in various aspects of activity, including analysis and design, information and communication systems and networks, • create and formulate new hypotheses, judgments and strategies for the further development of a scientific or work area, • evaluate theories, concepts and innovations, • identify global scientific and innovative developments in the field of ICT and related fields and use them in the direction and development of the field, with the integration of knowledge from various fields, • apply own findings resulting from theoretical analysis and own scientific research of a complex and/or interdisciplinary nature, • design, verify and implement new research and work procedures.
Graduate of the Telecommunications study program • is independent in solving professional tasks, projects and coordinating framework activities, including in the framework of international cooperation, • is able to solve complex projects independently and creatively, with regard to his professional focus, he can think analytically, present his own opinions and solutions to new and non-standard situations and understand the current state of technology, • is able to work effectively in a team, cooperate and motivate people, take responsibility for the results of the team as well as independently create a work team, which is then also able to lead, even at the international level, • is characterized by critical, independent and analytical thinking in unpredictable and changing conditions, • is characterized by taking social, scientific and ethical aspects into account when directing the further development of society, • characterized by the ability to present the results of research and development before the professional national and international community, • characterized by responsibility for leading a team in a given scientific field, • is characterized by planning one's own development and the development of society in the context of scientific and technical progress. He can effectively share his knowledge with other team members.
Graduates of the Telecommunications study program • are applied primarily in companies focused on research and development of information and communication systems and networks. They will apply as a manager of research and development projects, a researcher and a designer in various types of enterprises and organizations that use the methods and means of information and communication technologies, • they are also employed at universities and colleges, where they are employed as researchers or teaching staff. The application of graduates is not only in information and communication technologies, but also in interdisciplinary professions, wherever it is necessary to use the methods of scientific and creative work, to acquire, evaluate and effectively apply the latest scientific and technical knowledge and methods, from the implementation side to quantify the properties of processes and on the basis of the obtained information, create an information and communication system, allowing to display or evaluate the data or intervene in the process. The advantage of the graduate of this study program is also the general knowledge of the field of study at the level of synthesis with an emphasis on the supporting topics of the core of the study field with a possible focus on specific application domains. He knows how to classify knowledge, draw conclusions and connections between them and use them practically. A graduate of the Telecommunications study program is able to independently apply theory, the latest scientific knowledge, practical procedures and tools in research and designing solutions based on information and communication technologies according to the focus of the study program.
Graduate of the Telecommunications study program • is ready for scientific research work in organizations engaged in scientific research activities, both at home and abroad, • thanks to the acquired pedagogical skills, he can work as a research or scientific-pedagogical worker at the university, • thanks to the acquired knowledge, he can work in positions requiring a third-level university education. Occupations where graduates of SP Telecommunications can apply according to the System of Occupations (sustavapovolani.sk) • as a manager of research and development in information technology and telecommunications, university teacher (professional assistant), researcher.
The study programme conducted in English has no graduates yet.
Employers of potential SP graduates agreed with the content of the given SP and the need for such graduates on the labor market.This is not the case for regulated professions.