Study Programe Supervisor is responsible for the quality and development of a study programme.
A Co-Supervisor is responsible for the part of the study programme related to a study field in Spolugarant zodpovedá za časť študijného programu vychádzajúcu zo študijného odboru v medziodborových študijných programoch.
Further course teachers of study programme are listed in course information sheets (use course link).
Offers counselling in study plan composition and furthering of studies.
Secures all administrative and organizational matters in regards to studies.
Ing. Ivana Segéňová, MVDr. Katarína Hollá
Represent the interests of students of a study programme and are members of Study Programme Board.
prof. Ing. Miloslav Drtil, PhD.
Coordinates activities before, during and after travel. Offers counseling in choosing and preparation for a mobility.