The Faculty of Architecture and Design of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava has its own building at 19 Liberty Square in Bratislava, which houses the main part of its spatial, material and technical support for the study programme Art in Public Space. For the Art in Public Space programme there are allocated spaces in the building at 19 Liberty Square: studio/classroom 329, offices 328 and 327. In addition to the spaces in the main building, the FAD permanently uses a specially equipped building of the model room of the Institute of Design and a seminar room within the STU Rector's Office in Vazovova Street in Bratislava. Additional facility for the provision of the study programme is the FAD's own detached workplace - Educational and Scientific Research Centre in Banská Štiavnica. General lecture and seminar rooms: The main equipment in the main building consists of lecture rooms (an auditorium with a capacity of 200 persons, two two-storey lecture halls with a capacity of 80 persons, as well as other smaller lecture rooms) equipped with digital audiovisual technology and aids for interactive lectures, exercises and discussions. There are a number of distributed flexible seminar rooms of different sizes in the FAD building, allowing optimal spatial adaptation to the content, form and teaching method, number of students* or other individual requirements of teaching a particular subject. Within the Design study programme, 5 studios are reserved for the teaching of central studio design courses. These spaces are used to simulate the process of artistic creation, with each*student*using a shared workspace. The studios available to students are furnished with furniture that can be flexibly arranged for group or individual project work, creative brainstorming, discussions, specialized lectures, project defenses and presentations. Specialized classrooms and workshops - art disciplines: Within the curriculum, emphasis is also placed on subjects of an artistic nature aimed at the development of students* artistic skills, spatial imagination and the ability to express themselves visually. For these purposes, the faculty has two separate drawing rooms with specialized space and furniture equipment (adjustable lighting, drawing goats and easels, blackboards, props, exhibition system). The faculty also has a large and a small model room and a plaster room, which are specially equipped for clay modelling, production of plaster casts or other smaller models, printing from depth and height, and have the necessary equipment (modelling stands, adjustable lighting, clay trays, printing press, trays and spouts...). In the modelling room of the Institute of Design in the Rectorate campus, there is 1 large modelling/drawing room with diffuse lighting equipped with painting and modelling easels, connected to the plaster room for the production of casts. There is also a prototyping workshop where students have the opportunity to work on making prototypes of art designs and models, with a separate area within the building for sanding models and painting them. In the model room of the Institute of Design there is also a multifunctional space for consultations and presentations equipped with a projection, there is also a kitchen available for use, among other things, in extracurricular activities, workshops and exhibitions. Within the Rector's Office building, the faculty also uses another multifunctional space used for design project consultations and seminars for the purposes of the Design programme. In these spaces, students are encouraged to acquire artistic skills and abilities, working with materials and special processes that would not be possible in the main FAD building due to operational and space constraints. Computer support classrooms: The faculty has two dedicated computer labs for teaching the basics of computer support for art, one of which is adapted for group teaching of the basics and is equipped with desktop computers, the other is adapted to work on students* own laptops, allowing them to connect to the network and develop computer skills in an individualized software environment and interface in which they are used to working. In addition to the aforementioned computer rooms with the necessary audiovisual equipment, the Faculty also has rooms within the University Science Park that can be used additionally for group computer support classes. Language classrooms and laboratories: A separate language classroom with the necessary audio-visual equipment has been set aside at the faculty for the teaching of foreign languages. The faculty also has its own workshop in the main building, which is available for the production of artistic models made of wood, paper, polystyrene, etc. It is equipped with machinery for cutting and machining wood and its finishing (a worker is available by arrangement to operate the more sophisticated machines and to assist the students* with the preparation and processing of the material). The students also have equipment for the creation of artistic and architectural models (3-D printers, CNC milling machine, laser cutters) in cooperation with the University Science Park. Classrooms for students with specific needs: In terms of accessibility and accessibility of studies for students with specific needs, the faculty has built two specialized barrier-free classrooms, which are part of the STU Support Centre and serve as special classrooms and a training centre with nationwide coverage. They are equipped with the necessary assistive technologies (e.g. sound amplification system - built-in induction loop, projection technology). In terms of barrier-free access, the faculty building is equipped with lifts meeting the relevant requirements, as well as a barrier-free toilet. Common areas: To ensure transparency and competence of the teaching process, a permanent exhibition system or exhibition furniture is available in the faculty corridor areas to showcase student work and to allow peer comparison of progress, creativity and presentation skills. Library and associated facilities On the ground floor of the faculty there is the academic library of the Faculty of Architecture and Design of STU, which specialises in professional journal and book literature in line with the study programmes of the faculty (architecture, urban planning, design and related fields of study). It is a scientific-information, bibliographic, coordination and advisory workplace of the faculty, which provides library and information services for the teaching and research process of the faculty. The FAD Library centrally bibliographically records and preserves the publishing and artistic activities of the creative staff and internal doctoral students of the Faculty. In addition to full-time study and borrowing, the library makes available (both full-time and through remote access via computer network) electronic information resources from international online databases (technical standards, foreign specialized periodicals, WoS and SCOPUS professional resources, and others). A reprographic centre is operated on the premises of the faculty in coordination with the faculty (private entity), which provides basic services to students (copying, scanning, regular and large-format printing, etc.). Expert consultation centres: The faculty building also houses specialised education and research centres such as CEDA (centre for universal design), BCD Lab (body conscious design laboratory focusing on ergonomics), material library of the interior design institute, thematic libraries of individual institutes and others, which provide specialised thematic support to the students within their customised spaces as part of the educational process and cater to specific subjects of the curriculum. Specialised workplaces for transition to practice and a creative centre: For the purpose of interdisciplinary practice, students have access to the Belluš studios (FAD's Entrepreneurial Centre), where they work with architects and designers on real projects and gain valuable practical experience directly in the familiar environment of the faculty. The Belluš studios are equipped similarly to a standard architectural studio (computer technology, presentation equipment, meeting space, printers, etc.). For a similar purpose, cooperation with the STU Incubator has also been established and a separate office space has been allocated at the faculty for student start-ups from the Faculty of Architecture and Design. There is also a Creative Centre at the faculty, where students have the opportunity to participate in discussions, workshops, workshops, lectures and to get in touch with practice alongside the standard teaching process. The premises of the Creative Centre are equipped with projection and audio technology, an exhibition system, are flexible and adaptable in terms of furniture and equipment for different purposes. Detached workplace in Banská Štiavnica: The Research and Education Centre of the FAD in Banská Štiavnica consists of two separate buildings - building 207 (multifunctional teaching and exhibition space, administration, student accommodation, facilities) owned by the faculty, and building 206 (accommodation and facilities for lecturers, specialized classroom with CNC milling machine, warehouses), which the faculty has a long-term lease from the Municipality of Banská Štiavnica. The educational centre is equipped to provide working and accommodation space for 25 students and 12 lecturers during specialised camps within the study programme, for the needs of plein air workshops or during various national and international workshops. Building 207 houses three separate seminar rooms and two multifunctional exhibition spaces equipped with projection and audiovisual equipment, an interactive smartboard, wireless internet access and a separate kitchenette. The environment of Banská Štiavnica in terms of its specificity (UNESCO cultural heritage) plays an important role in building students' awareness of cultural and heritage values, sensitivity to the environment, working with historical materials, which are an integral part of the study programme Art in Public Space. University Science Park: The University Science Park with laboratory equipment is a partial output of a university-wide project under the Operational Programme Research and Development funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Slovak Republic. It is located on the 1st floor in the building of the Faculty of Architecture and Design of STU in Bratislava, located at 19 Námestí slobody 19, 812 45 Bratislava. The UVP was established on the basis of an approved project financed from the European Union Structural Funds as a specialised workplace of STU according to §39a of the Act. The STU UVP forms a managing, coordinating and integrating framework in research and selected educational activities carried out within the STU. UVP STU carries out innovative research and provides education at the third level of studies in relevant fields. It also integrates the activities of research centres of excellence and competence centres. It is mainly concerned with the management and coordination of research activities carried out in individual STU organisations, usually on the basis of projects funded by the ESIF. The mission of the STU UVP is to provide appropriate technical infrastructure and human resources for concentrated research and development carried out at STU in selected scientific and technical areas in cooperation with educational and other professional departments of STU and its partners. In cooperation with the University Science Park, students have at their disposal equipment for the creation of architectural and artistic models (3D printers, 3-axis and 5-axis CNC milling machines, a laser cutter, a programmable 3D cutter for polystyrene, a vacuum press for thermoforming, projection with stereoscopic projection parameters with complete accessories, 3D scanner - laser digital scanner with accessories, equipment for creating virtual reality, photo studio, carpentry workshop, robotic arm and other equipment). FAD STU equipment list: The University Science Park equipment list:
Access to study literature is ensured: in a remote form - resources available on a PC from the FAD premises as well as from home (based on IP addresses), face-to-face - FAD Library makes its collection available for both face-to-face and absentee study, allows licensed access to online periodicals and Slovak technical standards on library PCs, the library annually updates the lists of study literature of FAD study programs by years based on IL and indicates its availability in the library's collection, either in electronic or physical form, and publishes them on its website. FAD STU Library: - specializes in professional book and magazine literature in accordance with the study programs of the faculty and with related and related fields of study, which are approved by the guarantors of the subjects and ŠP, - regular replenishment of the library fund is realized on the basis of financial resources provided from the faculty's subsidies, from received grants, sponsorship donations and by exchange of publications, - makes available on library PCs access to licensed databases under national and STU licenses (among others, the DETAIL inspiration database, which makes available projects published in the DETAIL magazine), to the STN-online service with full texts of standards as well as to electronic versions of profile magazines, which are also available in the library in print form and a collection of 88 titles of full-text e-books from the DeGruyter database purchased from a subsidy provided by the FPU in 2017, - provides presentations of library and information services for 1st-year students, presentations of available databases for students of higher years and individual illustrative examples of document searches from print and electronic sources made available in the library, - organizes presentations of the library's activities for foreign students of the faculty, for ERASMUS+ students and other English-speaking visitors, provided through promotional materials and individual consultations in English, - implements the seminar Relevant information resources for doctoral students, which was held online in 2020 via MS Teams as part of the doctoral course. Library units (KJ) in the fund in total: 19,859 - of which in the central library (of which magazines): 15,025 - in partial libraries (9): 4,835
The transition from the face-to-face teaching method to the distance teaching method and the conditions of the STU are established by the Study Regulations of the STU. (Available at: The forms and scope of distance education in individual subjects are approved by the dean at the request of the subject guarantor (in rare and special cases). Distance learning is carried out via MS Teams, Google Meet. Support from FAD STU (at the bottom of the page - 18.3.2021): E-learning instructions: E-learning:
- MIB: Metropolitan Institute of Bratislava - SAID: Slovak Association of Interior Designers - SCD: Slovak Centre of Design Representatives of MIB, SDC and SAID are an integral part of the evaluation of studio creations during the academic year: - They are part of the committee for the defence of studio works in both the ZS and LS - they are part of the committee appointed by the Dean, which once a year evaluates in the form of hospitality records the level of vertical studios, the level of work, the level of assignments, the level of assessments, etc. The hospitality records are archived, evaluated and their outputs are submitted to the Board of the study programme. - They are part of the thesis defense committees, and are approved by the Faculty's Scientific and Artistic Council as additional practitioners. Partners of the public and commercial sector participate in education within the scope of concluded contracts. Framework agreements on cooperation between FAD STU in Bratislava and partners from the public and commercial sector ( FAD STU is a full member of the European Association for Architectural Education - Education Academy and the Cumulus Association - the leading platform for education and research in the field of art and design
Is a place of first contact for an applicant and student. Offers counselling and support services for the admission process, and in all areas related to studies - specifically enrollment, creation of a study plan, fulfillment of study obligations, recognition of subjects, change of study programme, interruption of studies, tuition fees, social care, scholarships and accommodation. Additionally, it also offers help in domestic internships and mobilities.
Methodically guides and coordinates counselling services for applicants and students in the areas of education and social care at STU. Directs appeal proceedings to decisions issued by faculty authorities. Offers services of issuing and verifying documents of study completion, issuing of duplicates of documents of study, recognition of documents for applicants, decisions to award scholarships, remit tuition and support for student organizations at STU.
In cooperation with faculty coordinators, offers counselling services in the area of effective studying, for students with specific needs, in career development, social counselling and counselling in the area of mental health and wellbeing.
Aids students and graduates of STU to develop their entrepreneurship ideas in incubator programmes START and UP.
In cooperation with faculty coordinators, coordinates and organizes international mobilities and internships of STU students, as well as ensures related studies.
STU provides accommodation for students in seven student dormitories - SD Mladá garda, SD Jura Hronca, SD Nikosa Belojanisa, SD Akademik, SD Dobrovičova, SD Mladosť, SD Miloša Uhra in Trnava.
Rules for submission of requests and regulations for accommodation allocation for STU students.
Breakfast, lunch and dinner is offered in canteens of student dormitories of STU. During the day, dining halls and cafeterias are available at places of learning or nearby faculties. A student ID is valid in all STU dining facilities. STU Canteen Reservation System.
STU regularly supports the activities of non-profit organizations and STU student associations.
Gyms, workout spaces, climbing wall, three swimming pools, multi-use courts and other sport fields in faculty and dormitory premises are available to STU students.
Adjacent to STU, the university art ensemble has three separate parts: