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Graduate Profile


Graduate of the Master's programme Art in Public Space: - can independently research the urban, historical and socio-anthropological context of a specific place and its topography, - is oriented in the contemporary trends of art in public space and in the philosophical concepts that frame it, - can analyse the social relations that overlap in a given place, understands the politics of place, power structures and relational dynamics, - knows the legal limits of interventions in public space, - sensitively perceives the issue of financing art in public space, can independently evaluate the ethical dilemmas of receiving support from various public and private sources, is oriented in the issues of artwashing and the counterproductivity of certain sources of funding.


Graduate of the Master's programme Art in Public Space: - is able to create a work in public space from design to realization, - can work in an interdisciplinary team and incorporate knowledge from other disciplines into his/her work, depending on the nature of the project, - is able to ensure the creation and production of an artwork in terms of form and execution and is familiar with materials research, - is oriented in the issues of multi-source funding, can formulate grant applications, lead a crowdfunding campaign, formulate an application for 2% tax deduction, negotiate co-financing with the private sector, while being aware of and actively evaluating the ethical dilemmas associated with different forms of funding. - can present the work publicly and create a promotional campaign for it, - can evaluate the ecological sustainability of the work and consider it as a key factor in artistic creation.


Graduate of the Master's programme Art in Public Space: - is able to create a complex quality work of art, is able to design and implement projects in public space that respond to the issues of a particular place, - is able to perceive the challenges of art creation in public space, its specifics and pitfalls, makes decisions independently and bears responsibility for his/her decisions, but at the same time is able to work in an interdisciplinary team, - is capable of theoretical reflection on art and cultural projects in public space, is oriented in the history of art projects in public space, has an overview of current trends in art production in public space, - can think creatively, innovatively, strategically and critically, - is able to analyse and interpret data, work critically and evaluate information sources, clearly formulate the theoretical basis of his/her work and work with art as a tool that shapes the cultural and social attitude of the public, - knows the methodology of artistic research, the basics of quantitative and qualitative research, as well as the principles of site-specific and human-specific creation, and is able to mobilize them according to the nature of a particular project, is perceptive to the current and historical power dynamics of public space, is aware of the political and social overlaps of artistic and cultural realisations in public space, is able to incorporate constructive criticism into his/her work, - can think about online space as a specific type of public space, can name parallels and differences between physical and online space, has studied theoretical sources on the topic, can work at different scales of the project using different media, from ephemeral or performative interventions to permanent object realisations, - knows the basics of material research, can design the production of a work, perceiving also the ecological aspects of its realization and evaluate its environmental sustainability, - has basic technical skills related to the realization of artistic interventions, has mastered time management and has the skills necessary to plan, organize and successfully finalize the project, - is able to coordinate a multi-person working team, but is also able to work according to the principles of a non-hierarchical horizontal organisation, - is familiar with the system of multi-source funding, is familiar with grant programmes, is able to write a grant application, account for the project and present the project to the professional and lay public, is able to critically evaluate the ethics of funding art and cultural projects in the public space, - knows the basic legal parameters of interventions in public space and the basics of copyright law, - understands the precarisation of labour and knows the tools to counteract it.

Profile courses

Employability of graduates

The content of the study is designed to cultivate interdisciplinary thinking and the development of theoretical and practical competencies that can be applied in independent and collective artistic practice. The main emphasis of the study is on his/her capacity for interdisciplinary practice within artistic research. Graduation from the Art in Public Space master study programme enables graduates to find employment as a freelance artist, as a member of a collective, or as a creator of artwork in public space. Graduates can find employment in public administration as a specialist in public art, in the offices of local councils and metropolitan institutes, or in the offices of city curators. Graduates can also work in the field of independent culture as cultural organisers, in educational, exhibition and professional institutions and platforms as a curators, programme and educational mediators, educators or critics of art in public space, theorists or editors. In addition to a wide application in the public sphere, the graduates will also find employment in the private sector as consultants for public space in studios focused on architecture, urban planning or landscape design.

Examples of professions the graduate is prepared for

Graduate of the Master's programme Art in Public Space: - freelance artist, - creator of artwork in public space, - member of an artistic or interdisciplinary collective, - practitioner of public art and urban design in the offices of local councils and metropolitan institutes, - educator in educational, scientific or professional institutions and platforms, - critic, theorist or publicist of art in public space, - cultural organiser, curator, programme and educational mediator in the field of independent culture - consultant for public space in private architectural, urban planning or design studios. It can also be applied as (according to the Occupation System at - Specialist in the field of tangible cultural heritage (496369/1) - Curator (64306/2) - Historian, theoretician, critic of visual arts, design, architecture (496375/2 ) - Cultural agent (64366/2) - Professional worker in the field of intangible cultural heritage (496368/2)

Examples of successful graduates

This is a new study programme.

Statements of employers or regulators

A number of partners from the cultural field and municipalities provided a positive opinion on the compliance of the study program with the requirements of practice.This is a new study programme.