Study conditions and rules are regulated by STU Study Regulations (Code of Studies).
Time and content order of study programme courses for each individual study path (focus) are determinted by the recommended study plan:
The recommended study plan is set up in such a way that by partaking in it, a student is able to fulfill all conditions for a proper study completion within a standard length of study.
Based on the recommended study plan, a student creates his own study plan based on study regulations.
In order to properly complete studies of a study programme, each student must:
In order to continue into the next part of studies, a student must:
Information about study programme courses, conditions for passing and methods of evaluation is specified in course information sheets in AIS STU.
Common rules of organization and process of examination are regulated by the Examination Regulations (appendix of Study Regulations).
A compulsory part of studies is the writing and defence of a final thesis, through which a student proves that he is systematically and independently able to work on a level corresponding to I. level Bachelor thesis.
Topics, assignments and supervisors fo final these of a study programme are available in AIS STU.
Rules of thesis writing and defence are part of Art. 18 of Study Regulations.
Every STU student can take part in a mobility. In cooperation with a faculty coordinator, he can create a study plan for the relevant academic year in a manner that will fulfill conditions for that specific part of studies.
By enrolling in studies, each student commits to abiding by the principles of the Code of Ethics for Students of STU, realizing their shared responsibility for gaining knowledge and forming their personality.
Breaches of ethics principles, including academic fraud and plagiarism is penalized in accrodance with STU Disciplinary rules.
STU creates a universally accessible academic environment and conditions for students and applicants with special needs (i.e. with health or learning disabilities) without reducing requirements for their study performance, in accordance with equal treatment principles.
STU has mechanisms in place that allow a student to point out specific deficiencies, or request protection of his rights: