Rector of the
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (STU)
Slovak Republic
invites applications for a postdoctoral position to work on the following research project:
Advanced machine learning for modelling human computer interaction to enhance security and preservation privacy.
Mentor: Prof. Ing. Mária Bieliková, PhD. (Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies STU, e-mail: maria.bielikova[@]
The project’s focus is on the research of new models and methods for gathering and processing information for better understanding of human information behaviour in a digital space. Such models and methods have a potential for making human activities in a digital space more efficient, especially concerning enhancing security and privacy in various domains where particular processes are digitized, but humans still participate in them. The focus is especially on the automatic analysis of the user information behaviour based on the implicit feedback indicators, i.e. the “footprints” of the users in the digital spaces. The user interests and characteristics are inferred from these indicators, but also from their context, state, problems, and predictions of user behaviour. The project opens space also for research of new signals of implicit feedback. The “traditional” indicators, such as mouse clicks, search queries or scrolling on the Web page are nowadays extended by so far unexplored indicators, such as eye tracking or other physiological indicators. The area is multidisciplinary, yet the main results are expected in areas of information sciences and information technologies.
Application deadline: 15/11/2016
Job open time: 01/12/2016
Minimum Experience/Education: Ph.D. or equivalent doctorate in appropriate field awarded no more than 3 years from initial date of postdoctoral appointment.
Other conditions: EU residency
Applications should be send electronically to In case of questions about this positions contact or directly the mentor.
Candidates should send written application for the postdoc position, CV, description of research or artistic activities, overview of publication or artistic activities.
Address for the applications:
Rektorát STU
Útvar vedy a medzinárodnej spolupráce
Vazovova 5
SK - 812 43 Bratislava