Rector of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (STU)
invites applications for a postdoctoral positions to work on the following research projects:
1/ Optimal and Predictive Control as a Tool for Diagnostics, Energy Reduction, Safety and Effectivity of Technological Processes (prof. Ing. Miroslav Fikar, DrSc., Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology STU, miroslav.fikar[@]
The aim of the proposed project is to investigate and design new procedures in automation and control to increase profits, safety, competitiveness with simultaneous reduction of costs and energy consumption. It will focus on optimal and model predictive control. The main stress will be on synthesis of controllers with low implementation complexity so that these controllers can be implemented in real-time on hardware platforms commonly used in industry without needs of upgrade. The project will also focus on guarantees of safe and optimal operation of designed control algorithms in networked environment between controllers and sensors/actuators with aims to detect and prevent adverse influences of attacks to communication channels in the context of Internet of Things. Theoretical results of the project will be available to a broader audience in software tools and their suitability will be verified in laboratory conditions.
2/ Optimal land use modelling for energy efficiency in urban environment using the GIS support (prof. Ing. arch. Maroš Finka, PhD., Institute of Management STU, maros.finka[@]
The post-doctoral position is linked to the projects HORIZON 2020 Inspiration and INTERREG Central Europe LUMAT focused on optimising the land-use management in FUAs and metropolitan regions. The fellow should contribute as a team member to these projects researching innovative instruments of spatial development management with the stress on the instruments suitable for multilevel polycentric governance, GIS incl. based on his/her previous research in the SR and abroad (min. 2 years incl.), collaboration with project partners using the knowledge of English (min. TOEFL IIC), German, Portugese, Turkish, as well as from previous relevant international projects.
3/ Ferrate(VI) – green oxidant for the safe life (prof. Ing. Ján Híveš, PhD., Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology STU, jan.hives[@]
Ferrate is able to eliminate wide spectrum of inorganic and organic micropollutants and disinfect water. During the first phase of the project the possibility of an encapsulation of progressive materials such as ferrate, graphene oxide, diamond nanomaterials will be tested. PVA and other water soluble materials will be used for the preparation of capsules using 3D printer and time that is required for the dissolution of capsule material will be measured. The second phase of the project will be focused on the application of optimized capsules for wastewater treatment. Elimination of selected (in)organic micropollutants and bacteria strains by encapsulated nanomaterials and ferrate will be checked. The last part of this project will be aimed at the monitoring of the impact of used nanomaterials and ferrate on the water ecosystem.
4/ Adaptation of the Use of Hydroelectric Potential on the Changes in Runoff Regime Due to Climate Change (prof. Ing. Kamila Hlavčová, PhD., Faculty of Civil Engineering STU, kamila.hlavcova[@]
Changes in the hydrological regime and runoff processes due to climate changes represent one of main sources of uncertainty in water resources management. This is evident by decreasing water resources, changing runoff regimes and snow accumulation, and increasing extremity of floods and droughts. The decrease in water resources, changes in the seasonality of runoff and accumulative potential of water resources can lead to a decrease in the hydroelectric potential and pose a threat to energetic safety of Slovakia. The main aim of the project will be 1/ Development of methodological approaches to estimate the impact of climate change on the hydroelectric potential due to a decrease in water resources, changes in the runoff regime and accumulative potential of water resources. 2/ Estimation of changes in the hydroelectric potential of Slovakia in future decades due to climate change. 3/ Proposals for adaptation measures for the mitigation of negative consequences of climate change on the hydroelectric potential and energetic safety of Slovakia. Methodological approaches will be based on the development and parameterization of rainfall-runoff models and models of runoff formation in the changed runoff conditions, including the application of climate scenarios of changes in rainfall and air temperature in the future.
5/ Advanced machine learning for modelling human computer interaction to enhance security and preservation privacy (prof. Ing. Mária Bieliková, PhD., Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies, maria.bielikova[@]
The project’s focus is on the research of new models and methods for gathering and processing information for better understanding of human information behaviour in a digital space. Such models and methods have a potential for making human activities in a digital space more efficient, especially concerning enhancing security and privacy in various domains where particular processes are digitized, but humans still participate in them. The focus is especially on the automatic analysis of the user information behaviour based on the implicit feedback indicators, i.e. the “footprints” of the users in the digital spaces. The user interests and characteristics are inferred from these indicators, but also from their context, state, problems, and predictions of user behaviour. The project opens space also for research of new signals of implicit feedback. The “traditional” indicators, such as mouse clicks, search queries or scrolling on the Web page are nowadays extended by so far unexplored indicators, such as eye tracking or other physiological indicators. The area is multidisciplinary, yet the main results are expected in areas of information sciences and information technologies.
Application deadline: 26. 9. 2016
Job starting date: 1. 10. 2016
Minimum Experience/Education: Ph.D. or equivalent doctorate in appropriate field awarded no more than 3 years ago
Other conditions: EU residency
Applications should be send electronically to research[@] In case of any questions about this positions contact research[@] or directly the individual mentors.
Candidate should send written application for the postdoc position, CV, description of research or artistic activities, overview of publication or artistic activities.
Address for the applications:
Rektorát STU
Útvar vedy a medzinárodnej spolupráce
Vazovova 5
SK - 812 43 Bratislava