Horizon 2020, Marie Sklodowska – Curie Actions, Individual Fellowships
Expression of Interest for hosting Marie Sklodowska – Curie fellows at Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
Interested institution:
Institute of Nuclear and Physical Engineering
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (STU)
Ilkovičova 3
81219 Bratislava
Brief Description of the Institution
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava is a modern educational and scientific institution. Since its foundation in the year 1937 more than 125.000 students have graduated there. In average, 19.000 students study at the STU every year.
At present, STU consists of seven faculties that provide research in a number of research departments and several centres of excellence following a long-term strategy when the priority areas are biotechnology and biocompatibility; sustainable resources and development: energy and raw materials; sustainable resources and development: environment, landscape and urbanism; nanotechnology, nanosciences and multifunctional intelligent materials; information society technologies; life, health and environment; safety, reliability and quality.
All the STU faculties provide study in accredited study programmes within the complex system of bachelor, master and PhD study. Faculties realise credit system compatible with the European credit transfer system enabling mutual mobility of students within European Union member countries and a larger European space. In the area of scientific and research activities the STU successfully joins European Union programmes.
Institute of Nuclear an Physical Engineering is focused on two main topics in research: i) nuclear power engineering and ii) material science. Different issues are studied by our members and PhD. Students (60 in total) including 7 full time professors.
Offered areas of research (as established in Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions)
- Environment and Geosciences
- Physics
- Material science
- Nuclear power enigineering
- Nuclear safety
- Operation and Decommissioning of Nuclear Power Plants.
Research / Project Description
Nuclear power plant lifetime management and extension. Safety and material analyses after long term operation. Material analyses will be performed on reactor pressure vessel steels by different spectroscopic methods, dominantly PAS LT, DBM, BNM and XRD.
Who can apply?
At the deadline for the submission of proposals (11/09/2019), researchers (*):
- shall be in possession of a doctoral degree or have at least four years of full-time equivalent research experience
- must not have resided or carried out their main activities in Slovakia for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the abovementioned deadline
Contact person
Prof. Vladimir Slugen, DSc.
Applications: documents to be submitted and deadlines
Please, contact us as soon as possible in order to coordinate the preparation of the proposal. An application must be developed jointly by the researcher and supervisor.
The following documents will be required:
- Motivation letter
- CV of the applicant
Please note that:
Deadline of the next call for proposals for Marie Sklodowska – Curie Individual Fellowships is September 11th, 2019.
Further contact and information requests will take place directly between the host institutions´supervisor and the interested researchers.
(*) Further details on the Call and additional eligibility criteria can be found at the Funding&tender opportunities Portal https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/opportunities/topic-details/msca-if-2019