Faculty of Civil Engineering
Department: Department of Geotechnics
Contact person: Assoc. prof. Ivan Slávik, PhD., Assoc. prof. Jana Frankovská, PhD.
Contact: +421 2 5927 4672, +421 2 5927 4624
e-mail: ivan.slavik@stuba.sk, jana.frankovska@stuba.sk
Laboratory of soil and rock mechanics is used for scientific research, consulting services and experiments carried out in the course of preparing research projects and doctoral dissertations. There are computer controlled devices with digital data collection for experimental verification of compressibility, consolidation, shear strength and permeability of soils. The research work deals also with the assessment of landslide area and stability of natural and artificial slopes. Department of Geotechnics systematically studies development and activity of landslides in Slovakia for over 50 years. The laboratory has equipment and field instrumentation to:
- Compile a map of the landslide area,
- Investigate the extent of the landslide area, to determine the depth of slip surface and of groundwater levels,
- Determine the properties of soils and rocks forming the landslide area,
- Control the activity and effectiveness of remediation measures.
Research activities:
- The influence of long-term loading on the safety of embankments of hydraulic structures.
- Prediction and verification of geotechnical aspects of environmental burdens and constructions.
- Impact of the geotechnical properties of soil on the effective landslides remediation.
- Prediction of development of deformations of geotechnical structures depending on stress.
- Risks analyses in geotechnical design.
Doctoral theses:
- Prediction of soil structure deformations of high-rise building foundations.
- Design of micropiles.
- New approaches of unsteady-state seepage in embankments of water constructions.
- Interaction of Rock Mass with Tunnel Lining.
- Monitoring of landslides
- Impact of pile technology on foundation design
Cooperation with practice and Consulting Services:
- Engineering geological and geotechnical investigations
- The assessment of landslide areas activity, their monitoring and remediation
- Experimental verification of the soil and rock behaviour
- Geotechnical design of foundations, retaining structures and earthworks
- Design and operation of dams, reservoirs and water management systems.
- Design and operation of brownfields and impoundments.
- Environmental protection and geotechnology
- National, international and european standards and codes in geotechnics
Fig. 1: Digital automatic direct shear system
Fig. 2: Ring shear apparatus
Fig. 3: Point load test (PLT) apparatus in road cut
Fig.4: Geotechnical investigation of the landslide area in Kapušany