Faculty of material science and technology STU in Trnava
Department/Institute: Institute of safety environment and quality
Contact person: prof. Ing. Maroš Soldán, PhD.
Contact: +421 906 068 515
e-mail: maros.soldan@stuba.sk
Since March 2007, laboratory of utilization and follow promotion of solar energy has launched its activities as part of laboratory utilization and promotion of renewable energy sources. It was created under the Community Initiative INTERREG IIIA AT-SR.
The role of technical-consultancy laboratory for utilization and follow promotion of solar energy is:
- initiate and mediate cooperation between organizations on projects aimed at research development and construction of facilities that use solar energy to work with special centers in Slovakia and in Austria
- organize regular seminars and workshops in this area,
- provide consultancy services in developing projects to use solar energy - to help implement these projects.
The heart of the photovoltaic system are photovoltaic panels (670W) which convert the incident solar energy into DC electric current. This DC is then fed into the management and control unit that evaluates the current characteristics and on the basis of compliance or non-compliance with set parameters governing the operation of the system. Data-logger sends information on the Internet, and those are then used to evaluate the activities of the entire plant. Made direct current is then converted to alternating current in the inverter DC / AC, which is AC connected directly to the distribution of electricity.
Heating system contains 4 vacuum collectors HELIOSTAR TS400V with a total area of 8 square meters of collectors. Collectors are directed to the south side with a slope of 45 ° for optimal gain of thermal energy during the whole year. In the laboratory is also a sensor intensity of solar radiation and a small weather station.
- INTERREG III A AT - SR č. 14150100019 Establishment technical-consulting laboratory for utilizing and consequently propagation of solar energy
- ITMS 262 202 200 56 "Hybrid electrical power source for a technical- consulting laboratory for use and promotion of renewable energy resources"
- Fiala, Jozef - Michalíková, Anna: Bright copper plating using photovoltaic as an energy source.
In: Vedecké práce MtF STU v Bratislave so sídlom v Trnave. Research papers Faculty of Materials Science and Technology Slovak University of Technology in Trnava. - ISSN 1336-1589. - Vol. 19, No. 31 (2011), s. 29-36
- Fiala, Jozef - Blinová, Lenka - Soldán, Maroš: Utilization of renewable energy sources in the laboratory scale (Part 1) - utilization of photovoltaic.
In: Science, education, production in solving environmental problems (Ecology 2012) : 9th International scientific and technical conference. Proceedings, Volume I, II. Ufa 2012. - Ufa : Ufa State Aviation Technical University, 2012. - ISBN 978-5-9904230-1-5. - S. 173-177, vol. 2
Fig. 1: Panels of photovoltaic system and heat solar system
Fig. 2: Heat Solar system