Opening symposium of the
Alliance of China-Central European Universities for Science, Innovations and Technology
18th of October 2017
Venue: Hotel Bratislava, Seberíniho 9, Bratislava, Slovakia
8.30 Registration
9.00 Working group meeting – administrative details of Alliance creation, working plan for next period, Q and A of partners’ universities
10.00 Symposium opening
Welcome speech STU – prof. Robert Redhammer, rector of Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava
Welcome speech TJU – prof. Shu Gequn, Executive Vice-Party Secretary of Tianjin University, China
Welcome speech J.E. Lin Lin, Ambassador of China’s Peoples Republic in Slovakia
10.30 h Memorandum of Understanding for China-Central European Alliance of Universities for Innovations, Science and Technology signature – 10 Chinese universities + 10 Central European universities + GROUP PHOTO
11.00 h Coffee break
11.30 h Plenary session
1. Session – SMART Urban Eco Concepts for XXIst Century
Session is chaired by: Michal Šedivý, ZSE
prof. Maroš Finka, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovak Republic: Slovak Smart City Cluster and Bratislava
prof. Junxiang Li, East China Normal University, China: China urban development and smart cities
prof. Karel Maier, CVUT Praha, Czech Republic:
Michal Pevný, Laser Media
prof. Izabela Mironowicz, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland: Smart city concepts in Poland
prof. Mykola Savytskyi, Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Ukraine: PSACEA researches in the field of ECO SMART Cities - Architecture and structures
Dr. Ramona Oros, ESEIA Gratz, Austria: ESEIA activities in the smart city domain
13.00 h Lunch
14.00 h Sessions
- 2. Session – SMART City and Use of Information Technology for Better Development
Conference hall Gallery, 1st floor
Session is chaired by – prof. Jozef Wozniak, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland
prof. Ivan Kotuliak, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovak Republic: Enhancing Smart City with Software Defined Networks
Zuzana Nehajová, EY - Are we ready to use the data in a smart way?
prof. WU Jiang, the Executive Vice President of Tongji University, China
Dr. Dóra Maros, Obuda University, Hungary: Internet of Things wireless solutions in Smart Cities
Irantzu Allende Fernandez de Eribe, ZTE
Dr. Robert Bešták, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic: Detection of Space-Time User Mobility Using Public Cellular Network Signaling Data
- 3. Session - SMART City and Transportation
Conference hall F3, Ground floor
Session is chaired by assoc. prof. Jozef Ristvej, University of Žilina, Slovak Republic
prof. Shu Gequn, Tianjin University, Waste heat recovery for internal combustion engine
assoc. prof. Ján Lešinský, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovak Republic: Smart City - Stimulus for Innovation Strategy of "new" Mobility.
prof. Shengchuan Zhao, Dalian University of Technology, China: Development and Challenges of Transportation System in China
prof. Miroslav Svitek, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic: Smart Mobility
Dr. Giuseppe Lugano: University of Žilina, Slovak Republic: “Mobility and Time Value (MoTiV): a Slovak initiative to advance the state-of-the-art on value of travel time research”.