Termodynamika a prestup tepla
Peter Bokes
Ústav jadrového a fyzikálneho inžinierstva
Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky
Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave
"Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer" provides a comprehensive exploration of the fundamental principles and practical applications critical to understanding heat transfer in engineering contexts. This textbook bridges the gap between thermodynamic theory and its practical use in solving heat transfer problems, making it an essential resource for students in energy, mechanical, civil, electrical, chemical, and materials engineering. It begins with foundational thermodynamic concepts and progresses through the derivation and application of continuity equations for mass, momentum, and energy. The book also covers non-equilibrium thermodynamics, steady and transient heat conduction, heat transfer in fluids, radiative heat transfer, and the finite element method. This structured approach ensures that students not only grasp the origin and physical meaning of each equation but also develop the intuition needed to predict the dynamic and steady-state behavior of heat transfer systems in real-world engineering tasks.
DOI: 10.61544/WVVR4272
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