These are a set of regulations through which STU guides the processes of the internal system and the activities of bodies, employees, students, and other stakeholders in fulfilling its mission and improving quality.
Quality Policy of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
Rules for the Staffing of Study Programmes at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
Internal Quality Assurance System Board at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
Study programme board at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
Internal Quality Assurance System for Doctoral Studies at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
All components of STU, recognizing their mission (Article 3 of the STU Statute) to educate and train the young generation in technical study fields in line with the Long-term Plan for Educational, Research, Artistic, Development, and Other Creative Activities, have assumed responsibility for the quality of education. They have jointly aligned the internal quality assurance system with the standards of the Slovak Accreditation Agency for Higher Education and committed to its continuous improvement. This commitment has been declared in the Quality Policy, which is binding for all employees and stakeholders participating in education or related creative activities.
In developing policies and structures of the internal system, STU follows the principle of collaboration with all stakeholders, particularly students, representatives of industry, and research institutions. The aim is to reflect stakeholders' expectations and ensure their adequate participation in the creation, evaluation, revision, and approval of study programmes. Representatives of employees, students, and employers are evenly represented in structures involved in the creation, operation, or improvement of the internal system (e.g., STU Council for the Internal System, study programme boards, industrial boards, the ethics committee, academic senates, scientific boards, the board of trustees, etc.).
STU has defined its direction in research, development, artistic, and other creative activities in its Long-term Plan, linking them to existing or planned education. Accordingly, STU provides resources, creates policies, structures, and processes to support, implement, and evaluate creative activities.
- A high level of creative outputs is required for the appointment of associate professors and professors in all fields of study where STU provides education, according to Rector’s Directive No. 1/2023-SR on Rules for Determining Minimum Criteria for Obtaining the Title of Associate Professor and Professor at STU.
- Teachers of core subjects in study programs are required to be actively engaged in research, scientific, or artistic activities relevant to the accredited study programme (Internal Regulation No. 5/2021 on Rules for the Staffing of Study Programmes at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava).
- STU students are involved in the creative activities of workplaces at a level appropriate to their study programme. Study programmes clearly define the required level and nature of creative activities necessary for successful graduation, especially in relation to final theses.
- Workplaces periodically evaluate and demonstrate research or artistic activities related to their study fields and associated areas of science (Section 5, STU Annual Report)
Support in this area is provided to STU workplaces by the Centre of Science and Scientific Research Cooperation (CEVES).
STU has defined its fundamental objectives, goals, tools, and indicators for internationalization in its Internationalization Strategy. The strategy is based on a proactive approach to developing international activities and cooperation, which naturally complements and expands its main activities in education, research, and industry collaboration. The strategy is built on two main objectives:
- Internationalization of study programmes
- Achieving global excellence in research and creative activities
The coordination and implementation of the strategy are ensured by the Department of International Relations.
STU has enshrined the fundamental principles of protection against intolerance and discrimination of applicants, students, and employees in Article 5 of the Statute: „STU, based on the individual abilities of each person, ensures gender equality and equal opportunities, strengthens the protection of its students and employees, and actively ensures the prevention of any form of physical and psychological violence and direct or indirect discrimination. In accordance with the principle of equal treatment, discrimination based on age, gender, sexual orientation, marital or family status, race, skin color, disability, language, political or other beliefs, membership in a national minority, religion or faith, trade union activity, national or social origin, property, lineage, or other status is prohibited.".
STU has adopted and applies the STU Gender Equality Strategy.
The principles of equal treatment are further promoted in all relevant procedures, from student admission, throughout their studies, in evaluation, student support, as well as in their social, cultural, and sports activities. These principles are included in the Code of Ethics for Students and the Employee Code of Ethics (Annex No. 6 to the Work Regulations)and are uniformly incorporated into all relevant STU regulations.
Secure channels for reporting incidents have been established. All reports are promptly investigated by the Ethics Committee or the STU Disciplinary Committee.
Protection against intolerance and discrimination in employment is also covered by the Internal Regulation on Recruitment Procedures for Academic Positions.
STU guarantees compliance with scientific integrity, academic ethics, and vigilance against plagiarism and other academic fraud. Preventive approaches are preferred:
- Educating students and teachers on academic integrity and scientific ethics.
- Selecting appropriate methods for verifying learning outcomes.
- Checking the originality of final theses: Slovak-language theses are verified in the central register of final theses, English-language theses are checked using Turnitin Similarity Enterprise, Czech-language theses are checked individually via the Masaryk University plagiarism detection system in Brno.
- Designing final thesis topics and processes that prevent "purchased work" practices.
- Establishing secure channels for reporting academic integrity violations.
STU holds the HR Excellence in Research quality award. This designation ensures that STU maintains standards of scientific research in accordance with the European Charter for Researchers. STU has committed to adhering to the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.
The fundamental principles of maintaining academic integrity are part of the Code of Ethics for Students and the Employee Code of Ethics (Annex No. 6 of the Work Order). The procedures for detecting dishonesty in the assessment of academic performance and protecting intellectual property in the preparation of final theses are regulated by the STU Study Regulations. Proven dishonesty by a student during academic assessments (such as cheating, plagiarism, the use of unauthorized aids, or unauthorized collaboration during written or oral exams) results in the failure of the course. Such conduct violates academic ethics and is subject to disciplinary proceedings.
Secure channels for reporting violations are in place. All employee misconduct at STU is immediately reviewed by the Ethics Committee, while violations of academic integrity by students are investigated and addressed by the STU Disciplinary Committee.
STU has adopted fundamental principles for the use of generative artificial intelligence through Measure No. 1/2024 – Using Artificial Intelligence at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava.
STU has established mechanisms for students to report deficiencies or seek protection of their rights:
- Students can participate in quality assessments of completed courses twice a year through an anonymous survey.
- The Black-Box system allows students to submit feedback or suggestions to faculty or university departments.
- Students can file written complaints under Rector's Directive No. 7/2017-SR on Handling Complaints at STU.
- If a student feels unfairly evaluated in an exam or identifies procedural violations, they may request a review by the dean.
- Students can seek assistance from their academic advisor or student representatives.
STU has a Legal and Organizational Department responsible for ensuring compliance of internal regulations with general laws.
The principles for issuing internal STU regulations, including their preparation, review, approval, registration, publication, and updates, are governed by Rector’s Directive No. 4/2013-SR on Rules for Issuing Internal Regulations at STU.
3507 Architecture and Urbanism
9205 Safety and Security Sciences
2908 Biotechnology
6213 Economics and Management
2675 Electrical and Electronics Engineering
3636 Geodesy and Cartography
1420 Chemistry
2820 Chemical Engineering and Technology
2508 Computer Science
2647 Cybernetics
1113 Mathematics
4190 Agriculture and Landscape
2940 Food Sciences
3514 Spatial Planning
3659 Civil Engineering
2381 Mechanical Engineering
8202 Art
Portal VS / Study Programme Register - Accredited Study Programmes at STU
The register provides an overview and a detailed description of all accredited study programmes in the relevant fields of study, including recommended study plans and course information sheets.
Creation, Modification, and Approval of Study Programmes
The process of creating, modifying, and approving study programmes is described in the Internal Regulation No. 4/2021 – Rules for the Proposal, Approval, Modification, and Cancellation of Study Programmes at STU. It is supplemented by rules for the creation of recommended study plans in the Methodological Guidelines for the Formation of Recommended Study Plans for Study Programmes, while complying with the provisions of the Study Regulations. The rules for third-level study programmes are included in Internal Regulation No. 9/2021 Internal Quality Assurance System for Doctoral Studies at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava.
Admissions, Study Process, Recognition of Education, and Awarding of Academic Titles
STU has established, applied, published, and easily accessible consistent rules for all stages of the student study cycle, particularly for admissions, study progress and evaluation, recognition of education, graduation, awarding of degrees, and issuing diplomas and other education-related documents. These are governed by the following policies:
- Study Regulations STU
- Internal Regulation No. 5/2013 Rules and Conditions for Admission to Study Programmes of the First, Second, and Third Level at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava.
- Internal Regulation No. 9/2021 Internal Quality Assurance System for Doctoral Studies at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava.
- Rector’s Directive No. 5/2020-SR Recognition of Foreign Studies and Admission of International Students in Exchange Mobility Programmes at STU.
- Methodological Guidelines for the Submission of Final Theses and the Organization of State Examinations at STU
The Department of Education and Students Care coordinates the methodological and organizational aspects of studies at STU. Detailed information for applicants, students, and graduates is available on the STU website.
Teaching Staff for Study Programmes
STU has policies and processes in place to ensure that study programmes are delivered by teachers whose number, workload, qualifications, and level of research activities allow students to achieve the required learning outcomes and correspond to the number of students and the personnel demands of education.
- Internal regulation No. 5/2021 Rules for Personnel Provision of Study Programmes at STU
- Internal regulation No. 9/2021 Internal Quality Assurance System for Doctoral Studies at STU
- Internal regulation No. 1/2013 Principles of the Selection Procedure for the Recruitment of University Teaching Staff
- Rector’s Directive No. 1/2023-SR Rules for Determining the Minimum Criteria for Obtaining the Titles of Associate Professor and Professor at STU
Collection and Processing of Study Programme Data, Continuous Monitoring, Periodic Evaluation, and Approval of Study Programmes
The rules for continuous monitoring and periodic evaluation of study programmes at STU are determined by internal regulation no. 2/2022 Rules for continuous monitoring, periodic assessment and periodic approval of study programmes, habilitation and inauguration proceedings and creative activities at STU. Continuous monitoring includes the collection, analysis, and use of information necessary for the effective implementation of study programmes. Besides data from university information systems, surveys are conducted among students, teachers, graduates, and employers to gather relevant data.
STU uses the Academic Information System (AIS), which allows the university to create a comprehensive database of information and manage and evaluate data through various modules. For detailed monitoring of selected indicators, the Power BI software is used, enabling the evaluation of indicators and automatic report generation for study programme boards and faculties as a basis for periodic assessment.
Feedback on Study Programme Quality
STU students can provide feedback on the quality of their studies and teachers through course evaluations conducted in AIS. At the end of the semester, students primarily evaluate individual instructors and the teaching process of completed courses. The results of these evaluations are available to study programme guarantors and academic supervisors to implement necessary improvements. Instructors are encouraged to respond to student feedback after the semester ends.
STU surveys graduates every two years, focusing on their employment in the field and their views on the relevance of their education for their careers.
Graduate Feedback
Internal Regulation No č. 8/2021 governs the preparation and assessment of applications for authorization of habilitation and inauguration proceedings at STU.
Internal Regulation No. 2/2022 regulates continuous monitoring, periodic evaluation, and periodic approval of habilitation and inauguration proceedings and research activities at STU.
In 2021 and 2022, STU aligned its habilitation and inauguration fields. The IQAS Boarg reviewed 34 proposals for alignment, and STU requested the cancellation of accreditation in 12 habilitation and inauguration fields.
Habilitation and Inauguration Procedures at STU
Názov HIK
Názov fakulty
Študijný odbor
Číslo rozhodnutia
aplikovaná matematika
geodézia a kartografia
geodézia a kartografia
poľnohospodárstvo a krajinárstvo
inžinierske konštrukcie a dopravné stavby
pozemné stavby
vodné stavby
aplikovaná mechanika
aplikovaná informatika
2015-18811/48156:9-15A0, 2019/18599:22-A1110
procesná technika
strojárske technológie a materiály
výrobná technika
fyzikálne inžinierstvo
jadrová energetika
teoretická elektrotechnika
fyzikálna chémia
organická chémia
chemické inžinierstvo
chemické inžinierstvo a technológie
chemické technológie
chemické inžinierstvo a technológie
technológia makromolekulových látok
chemické inžinierstvo a technológie
chémia a technológia poživatín
architektúra a urbanizmus
architektúra a urbanizmus
priemyselné inžinierstvo
strojárske technológie a materiály
The internal quality assurance system is periodically evaluated based on the results of periodic assessments of study programmes, habilitation and inauguration proceedings, and research activities by the IQAS Board.
- Study programme boards conduct annual monitoring and periodic evaluation of study programmes.
- Faculty scientific boards and the STU Scientific Board conduct annual evaluations of habilitation and inauguration proceedings.
- Faculty scientific boards and the STU Scientific Board conduct periodic evaluations of research, development, artistic, and other creative activities.
STU has established an indicator system for monitoring and evaluating study programmes and its internal system.
The first internal evaluation report of the STU internal system.
The Executive Board of the Slovak Accreditation Agency for Higher Education has determined that the STU Internal System and its implementation comply with the Standards for the Internal System.
Decision of the Slovak Accreditation Agency for Higher Education.
STU is authorized to create, conduct, and modify study programmes at the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd levels in 17 fields of study.
3507 Architecture and Urbanism
9205 Safety and Security Sciences
2908 Biotechnology
6213 Economics and Management
2675 Electrical and Electronics Engineering
3636 Geodesy and Cartography
1420 Chemistry
2820 Chemical Engineering and Technology
2508 Computer Science
2647 Cybernetics
1113 Mathematics
4190 Agriculture and Landscape
2940 Food Sciences
3514 Spatial Planning
3659 Civil Engineering
2381 Mechanical Engineering
8202 Art
Evaluation report of the SAAHE working group.
STU supports regular external quality assessments of study programmes to enhance their quality.
IET Accreditation
Accredited by the British Engineering Council UK.
Computer and Communication Systems and Networks [Bc] (FIIT)
Computer and Communication Systems and Networks [Ing] (FIIT)
Informatics [Bc] (FIIT)
Informatics [Ing] (FIIT)
Information Systems [Ing] (FIIT)
Software Engineering [Ing] (FIIT)
EUR-ACE Labelled Programmes
Accredited by the Federation of European National Engineering Associations (FEANI).
Accreditation agency | HEI name | Programme name | Degree title |
ZSVTS | Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava | Building Construction and Architecture | Bachelor of Engineering |
ZSVTS | Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava | Chemical Technologies | Master of Engineering |
ZSVTS | Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava | Measurement and Quality Management in Mechanical Engineeing | Bachelor |
ZSVTS | Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava | Production Systems and Quality Management | Master of Engineering |